The Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) Wiki
Knight - Cardback

Knight is one of the class options for the archetype Warrior.



This class was introduced in the Second Edition base game, toghether with the Berserker.

The Knight's style revolves around facilitating movement and taking and resisting damage. Its starting equipment are the Iron Longsword, the Wooden Shield, and the skill Oath of Honor.

List of Skills



Q: Can the Knight use “Advance” to move without performing the attack?

A: Yes. (source)

Q: If I use "Defense Training" instead of exhausting shield, can I still exhaust the same shield during the same attack?

A: Yes; nothing prevents the Knight from exhausting "Defense Training" and then exhausting the shield during the same attack.(source)

Errata 1.0:

  • Class card, Knight, “Guard”: This card should read, “When a monster moves into an empty space adjacent to you, exhaust this card to interrupt that monster’s activation and perform an attack with a Melee weapon. After this attack is resolved, if the monster was not defeated, it may continue its activation.”